Source code for mycroft.skills.audioservice

# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from os.path import abspath

from mycroft.messagebus.message import Message

def ensure_uri(s):
    """Interprete paths as file:// uri's.

        s: string to be checked

        if s is uri, s is returned otherwise file:// is prepended
    if isinstance(s, str):
        if '://' not in s:
            return 'file://' + abspath(s)
            return s
    elif isinstance(s, (tuple, list)):
        if '://' not in s[0]:
            return 'file://' + abspath(s[0]), s[1]
            return s
        raise ValueError('Invalid track')

[docs]class AudioService: """AudioService class for interacting with the audio subsystem Args: bus: Mycroft messagebus connection """ def __init__(self, bus): self.bus = bus
[docs] def queue(self, tracks=None): """Queue up a track to playing playlist. Args: tracks: track uri or list of track uri's Each track can be added as a tuple with (uri, mime) to give a hint of the mime type to the system """ tracks = tracks or [] if isinstance(tracks, (str, tuple)): tracks = [tracks] elif not isinstance(tracks, list): raise ValueError tracks = [ensure_uri(t) for t in tracks] self.bus.emit(Message('', data={'tracks': tracks}))
[docs] def play(self, tracks=None, utterance=None, repeat=None): """Start playback. Args: tracks: track uri or list of track uri's Each track can be added as a tuple with (uri, mime) to give a hint of the mime type to the system utterance: forward utterance for further processing by the audio service. repeat: if the playback should be looped """ repeat = repeat or False tracks = tracks or [] utterance = utterance or '' if isinstance(tracks, (str, tuple)): tracks = [tracks] elif not isinstance(tracks, list): raise ValueError tracks = [ensure_uri(t) for t in tracks] self.bus.emit(Message('', data={'tracks': tracks, 'utterance': utterance, 'repeat': repeat}))
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the track.""" self.bus.emit(Message(''))
[docs] def next(self): """Change to next track.""" self.bus.emit(Message(''))
[docs] def prev(self): """Change to previous track.""" self.bus.emit(Message(''))
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause playback.""" self.bus.emit(Message(''))
[docs] def resume(self): """Resume paused playback.""" self.bus.emit(Message(''))
[docs] def seek(self, seconds=1): """Seek X seconds. Args: seconds (int): number of seconds to seek, if negative rewind """ if seconds < 0: self.seek_backward(abs(seconds)) else: self.seek_forward(seconds)
[docs] def seek_forward(self, seconds=1): """Skip ahead X seconds. Args: seconds (int): number of seconds to skip """ self.bus.emit(Message('', {"seconds": seconds}))
[docs] def seek_backward(self, seconds=1): """Rewind X seconds Args: seconds (int): number of seconds to rewind """ self.bus.emit(Message('', {"seconds": seconds}))
[docs] def track_info(self): """Request information of current playing track. Returns: Dict with track info. """ info = self.bus.wait_for_response( Message(''), reply_type='', timeout=1) return if info else {}
[docs] def available_backends(self): """Return available audio backends. Returns: dict with backend names as keys """ msg = Message('') response = self.bus.wait_for_response(msg) return if response else {}
@property def is_playing(self): """True if the audioservice is playing, else False.""" return self.track_info() != {}