Source code for mycroft.stt

# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import json
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from requests import post, put, exceptions
from speech_recognition import Recognizer
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread

from mycroft.api import STTApi, HTTPError
from mycroft.configuration import Configuration
from mycroft.util.log import LOG
from mycroft.util.plugins import load_plugin

[docs]class STT(metaclass=ABCMeta): """STT Base class, all STT backends derive from this one. """ def __init__(self): config_core = Configuration.get() self.lang = str(self.init_language(config_core)) config_stt = config_core.get("stt", {}) self.config = config_stt.get(config_stt.get("module"), {}) self.credential = self.config.get("credential", {}) self.recognizer = Recognizer() self.can_stream = False
[docs] @staticmethod def init_language(config_core): """Helper method to get language code from Mycroft config.""" lang = config_core.get("lang", "en-US") langs = lang.split("-") if len(langs) == 2: return langs[0].lower() + "-" + langs[1].upper() return lang
[docs] @abstractmethod def execute(self, audio, language=None): """Implementation of STT functionallity. This method needs to be implemented by the derived class to implement the specific STT engine connection. The method gets passed audio and optionally a language code and is expected to return a text string. Args: audio (AudioData): audio recorded by mycroft. language (str): optional language code Returns: str: parsed text """
class TokenSTT(STT, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self): super(TokenSTT, self).__init__() self.token = str(self.credential.get("token")) class GoogleJsonSTT(STT, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self): super(GoogleJsonSTT, self).__init__() self.json_credentials = json.dumps(self.credential.get("json")) class BasicSTT(STT, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self): super(BasicSTT, self).__init__() self.username = str(self.credential.get("username")) self.password = str(self.credential.get("password")) class KeySTT(STT, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self): super(KeySTT, self).__init__() = str(self.credential.get("client_id")) self.key = str(self.credential.get("client_key")) class GoogleSTT(TokenSTT): def __init__(self): super(GoogleSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang return self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio, self.token, self.lang) class GoogleCloudSTT(GoogleJsonSTT): def __init__(self): super(GoogleCloudSTT, self).__init__() # override language with module specific language selection self.lang = self.config.get('lang') or self.lang def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang return self.recognizer.recognize_google_cloud(audio, self.json_credentials, self.lang) class WITSTT(TokenSTT): def __init__(self): super(WITSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): LOG.warning("WITSTT language should be configured at settings.") return self.recognizer.recognize_wit(audio, self.token) class IBMSTT(TokenSTT): """ IBM Speech to Text Enables IBM Speech to Text access using API key. To use IBM as a service provider, it must be configured locally in your config file. An IBM Cloud account with Speech to Text enabled is required (limited free tier may be available). STT config should match the following format: "stt": { "module": "ibm", "ibm": { "credential": { "token": "YOUR_API_KEY" }, "url": "URL_FROM_SERVICE" } } """ def __init__(self): super(IBMSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): if not self.token: raise ValueError('API key (token) for IBM Cloud is not defined.') url_base = self.config.get('url', '') if not url_base: raise ValueError('URL for IBM Cloud is not defined.') url = url_base + '/v1/recognize' self.lang = language or self.lang supported_languages = [ 'ar-AR', 'pt-BR', 'zh-CN', 'nl-NL', 'en-GB', 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'de-DE', 'it-IT', 'ja-JP', 'ko-KR', 'es-AR', 'es-ES', 'es-CL', 'es-CO', 'es-MX', 'es-PE' ] if self.lang not in supported_languages: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported language "{}" for IBM STT.'.format(self.lang)) audio_model = 'BroadbandModel' if audio.sample_rate < 16000 and not self.lang == 'ar-AR': audio_model = 'NarrowbandModel' params = { 'model': '{}_{}'.format(self.lang, audio_model), 'profanity_filter': 'false' } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'audio/x-flac', 'X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out': 'true' } response = post(url, auth=('apikey', self.token), headers=headers, data=audio.get_flac_data(), params=params) if response.status_code == 200: result = json.loads(response.text) if result.get('error_code') is None: if ('results' not in result or len(result['results']) < 1 or 'alternatives' not in result['results'][0]): raise Exception( 'Transcription failed. Invalid or empty results.') transcription = [] for utterance in result['results']: if 'alternatives' not in utterance: raise Exception( 'Transcription failed. Invalid or empty results.') for hypothesis in utterance['alternatives']: if 'transcript' in hypothesis: transcription.append(hypothesis['transcript']) return '\n'.join(transcription) elif response.status_code == 401: # Unauthorized raise Exception('Invalid API key for IBM Cloud.') else: raise Exception( 'Request to IBM Cloud failed. Code: {} Body: {}'.format( response.status_code, response.text)) class YandexSTT(STT): """ Yandex SpeechKit STT To use create service account with role 'editor' in your cloud folder, create API key for account and add it to local mycroft.conf file. The STT config will look like this: "stt": { "module": "yandex", "yandex": { "lang": "en-US", "credential": { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY" } } } """ def __init__(self): super(YandexSTT, self).__init__() self.lang = self.config.get('lang') or self.lang self.api_key = self.credential.get("api_key") if self.api_key is None: raise ValueError("API key for Yandex STT is not defined") def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang if self.lang not in ["en-US", "ru-RU", "tr-TR"]: raise ValueError( "Unsupported language '{}' for Yandex STT".format(self.lang)) # Select sample rate based on source sample rate # and supported sample rate list supported_sample_rates = [8000, 16000, 48000] sample_rate = audio.sample_rate if sample_rate not in supported_sample_rates: for supported_sample_rate in supported_sample_rates: if audio.sample_rate < supported_sample_rate: sample_rate = supported_sample_rate break if sample_rate not in supported_sample_rates: sample_rate = supported_sample_rates[-1] raw_data = audio.get_raw_data(convert_rate=sample_rate, convert_width=2) # Based on url = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Api-Key {}".format(self.api_key)} params = "&".join([ "lang={}".format(self.lang), "format=lpcm", "sampleRateHertz={}".format(sample_rate) ]) response = post(url + "?" + params, headers=headers, data=raw_data) if response.status_code == 200: result = json.loads(response.text) if result.get("error_code") is None: return result.get("result") elif response.status_code == 401: # Unauthorized raise Exception("Invalid API key for Yandex STT") else: raise Exception( "Request to Yandex STT failed: code: {}, body: {}".format( response.status_code, response.text)) def requires_pairing(func): """Decorator kicking of pairing sequence if client is not allowed access. Checks the http status of the response if an HTTP error is recieved. If a 401 status is detected returns "pair my device" to trigger the pairing skill. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 401: LOG.warning('Access Denied at') # phrase to start the pairing process return 'pair my device' else: raise return wrapper class MycroftSTT(STT): """Default mycroft STT.""" def __init__(self): super(MycroftSTT, self).__init__() self.api = STTApi("stt") @requires_pairing def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang try: return self.api.stt(audio.get_flac_data(convert_rate=16000), self.lang, 1)[0] except Exception: return self.api.stt(audio.get_flac_data(), self.lang, 1)[0] class MycroftDeepSpeechSTT(STT): """Mycroft Hosted DeepSpeech""" def __init__(self): super(MycroftDeepSpeechSTT, self).__init__() self.api = STTApi("deepspeech") @requires_pairing def execute(self, audio, language=None): language = language or self.lang if not language.startswith("en"): raise ValueError("Deepspeech is currently english only") return self.api.stt(audio.get_wav_data(), self.lang, 1) class DeepSpeechServerSTT(STT): """ STT interface for the deepspeech-server: use this if you want to host DeepSpeech yourself """ def __init__(self): super(DeepSpeechServerSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): language = language or self.lang response = post(self.config.get("uri"), data=audio.get_wav_data()) return response.text
[docs]class StreamThread(Thread, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ABC class to be used with StreamingSTT class implementations. This class reads audio chunks from a queue and sends it to a parsing STT engine. Args: queue (Queue): Input Queue language (str): language code for the current language. """ def __init__(self, queue, language): super().__init__() self.language = language self.queue = queue self.text = None def _get_data(self): """Generator reading audio data from queue.""" while True: d = self.queue.get() if d is None: break yield d self.queue.task_done()
[docs] def run(self): """Thread entry point.""" return self.handle_audio_stream(self._get_data(), self.language)
[docs] @abstractmethod def handle_audio_stream(self, audio, language): """Handling of audio stream. Needs to be implemented by derived class to process audio data and optionally update `self.text` with the current hypothesis. Argumens: audio (bytes): raw audio data. language (str): language code for the current session. """
[docs]class StreamingSTT(STT, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ABC class for threaded streaming STT implemenations.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.can_stream = True
[docs] def stream_start(self, language=None): """Indicate start of new audio stream. This creates a new thread for handling the incomming audio stream as it's collected by Mycroft. Args: language (str): optional language code for the new stream. """ self.stream_stop() language = language or self.lang self.queue = Queue() = self.create_streaming_thread()
[docs] def stream_data(self, data): """Receiver of audio data. Args: data (bytes): raw audio data. """ self.queue.put(data)
[docs] def stream_stop(self): """Indicate that the audio stream has ended. This will tear down the processing thread and collect the result Returns: str: parsed text """ if is not None: self.queue.put(None) text = = None self.queue = None return text return None
[docs] def execute(self, audio, language=None): """End the parsing thread and collect data.""" return self.stream_stop()
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_streaming_thread(self): """Create thread for parsing audio chunks. This method should be implemented by the derived class to return an instance derived from StreamThread to handle the audio stream and send it to the STT engine. Returns: StreamThread: Thread to handle audio data. """
class DeepSpeechStreamThread(StreamThread): def __init__(self, queue, language, url): if not language.startswith("en"): raise ValueError("Deepspeech is currently english only") super().__init__(queue, language) self.url = url def handle_audio_stream(self, audio, language): self.response = post(self.url, data=audio, stream=True) self.text = self.response.text if self.response else None return self.text class DeepSpeechStreamServerSTT(StreamingSTT): """ Streaming STT interface for the deepspeech-server: use this if you want to host DeepSpeech yourself STT config will look like this: "stt": { "module": "deepspeech_stream_server", "deepspeech_stream_server": { "stream_uri": "http://localhost:8080/stt?format=16K_PCM16" ... """ def create_streaming_thread(self): self.queue = Queue() return DeepSpeechStreamThread( self.queue, self.lang, self.config.get('stream_uri') ) class GoogleStreamThread(StreamThread): def __init__(self, queue, lang, client, streaming_config): super().__init__(queue, lang) self.client = client self.streaming_config = streaming_config def handle_audio_stream(self, audio, language): req = (types.StreamingRecognizeRequest(audio_content=x) for x in audio) responses = self.client.streaming_recognize(self.streaming_config, req) for res in responses: if res.results and res.results[0].is_final: self.text = res.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript return self.text class GoogleCloudStreamingSTT(StreamingSTT): """ Streaming STT interface for Google Cloud Speech-To-Text To use pip install google-cloud-speech and add the Google API key to local mycroft.conf file. The STT config will look like this: "stt": { "module": "google_cloud_streaming", "google_cloud_streaming": { "credential": { "json": { # Paste Google API JSON here ... """ def __init__(self): global SpeechClient, types, enums, Credentials from import SpeechClient, types, enums from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials super(GoogleCloudStreamingSTT, self).__init__() # override language with module specific language selection self.language = self.config.get('lang') or self.lang credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_info( self.credential.get('json') ) self.client = SpeechClient(credentials=credentials) recognition_config = types.RecognitionConfig( encoding=enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16, sample_rate_hertz=16000, language_code=self.language, model='command_and_search', max_alternatives=1, ) self.streaming_config = types.StreamingRecognitionConfig( config=recognition_config, interim_results=True, single_utterance=True, ) def create_streaming_thread(self): self.queue = Queue() return GoogleStreamThread( self.queue, self.language, self.client, self.streaming_config ) class KaldiSTT(STT): def __init__(self): super(KaldiSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): language = language or self.lang response = post(self.config.get("uri"), data=audio.get_wav_data()) return self.get_response(response) def get_response(self, response): try: hypotheses = response.json()["hypotheses"] return re.sub(r'\s*\[noise\]\s*', '', hypotheses[0]["utterance"]) except Exception: return None class BingSTT(TokenSTT): def __init__(self): super(BingSTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang return self.recognizer.recognize_bing(audio, self.token, self.lang) class HoundifySTT(KeySTT): def __init__(self): super(HoundifySTT, self).__init__() def execute(self, audio, language=None): self.lang = language or self.lang return self.recognizer.recognize_houndify(audio,, self.key) class GoVivaceSTT(TokenSTT): def __init__(self): super(GoVivaceSTT, self).__init__() self.default_uri = "" if not self.lang.startswith("en") and not self.lang.startswith("es"): LOG.error("GoVivace STT only supports english and spanish") raise NotImplementedError def execute(self, audio, language=None): url = self.config.get("uri", self.default_uri) + "?key=" + \ self.token + "&action=find&format=8K_PCM16&validation_string=" response = put(url, data=audio.get_wav_data(convert_rate=8000)) return self.get_response(response) def get_response(self, response): return response.json()["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["transcript"] def load_stt_plugin(module_name): """Wrapper function for loading stt plugin. Args: module_name (str): Mycroft stt module name from config Returns: class: STT plugin class """ return load_plugin('mycroft.plugin.stt', module_name) class STTFactory: CLASSES = { "mycroft": MycroftSTT, "google": GoogleSTT, "google_cloud": GoogleCloudSTT, "google_cloud_streaming": GoogleCloudStreamingSTT, "wit": WITSTT, "ibm": IBMSTT, "kaldi": KaldiSTT, "bing": BingSTT, "govivace": GoVivaceSTT, "houndify": HoundifySTT, "deepspeech_server": DeepSpeechServerSTT, "deepspeech_stream_server": DeepSpeechStreamServerSTT, "mycroft_deepspeech": MycroftDeepSpeechSTT, "yandex": YandexSTT } @staticmethod def create(): try: config = Configuration.get().get("stt", {}) module = config.get("module", "mycroft") if module in STTFactory.CLASSES: clazz = STTFactory.CLASSES[module] else: clazz = load_stt_plugin(module)'Loaded the STT plugin {}'.format(module)) return clazz() except Exception: # The STT backend failed to start. Report it and fall back to # default. LOG.exception('The selected STT backend could not be loaded, ' 'falling back to default...') if module != 'mycroft': return MycroftSTT() else: raise