Source code for mycroft.tts.tts

# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
import os
import random
import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from time import time
from warnings import warn

import os.path
from os.path import dirname, exists, isdir, join

import mycroft.util
from mycroft.enclosure.api import EnclosureAPI
from mycroft.configuration import Configuration
from mycroft.messagebus.message import Message
from mycroft.metrics import report_timing, Stopwatch
from mycroft.util import (
    play_wav, play_mp3, check_for_signal, create_signal, resolve_resource_file
from mycroft.util.file_utils import get_temp_path
from mycroft.util.log import LOG
from mycroft.util.plugins import load_plugin
from queue import Queue, Empty
from .cache import hash_sentence, TextToSpeechCache

_TTS_ENV = deepcopy(os.environ)
_TTS_ENV['PULSE_PROP'] = 'media.role=phone'

EMPTY_PLAYBACK_QUEUE_TUPLE = (None, None, None, None, None)

SSML_TAGS = re.compile(r'<[^>]*>')
WHITESPACE_AFTER_PERIOD = re.compile(r'\b([A-za-z][\.])(\s+)')

def default_preprocess_utterance(utterance):
    """Default method for preprocessing Mycroft utterances for TTS.

        utteance (str): Input utterance

        [str]: list of preprocessed sentences

    utterance = WHITESPACE_AFTER_PERIOD.sub(r'\g<1>', utterance)
    chunks = SENTENCE_DELIMITERS.split(utterance)
    return chunks

class PlaybackThread(Thread):
    """Thread class for playing back tts audio and sending
    viseme data to enclosure.
    def __init__(self, queue):
        super(PlaybackThread, self).__init__()
        self.queue = queue
        self.tts = []
        self.bus = None

        self._terminated = False
        self._processing_queue = False
        self.enclosure = None
        self.p = None
        # Check if the tts shall have a ducking role set
        if Configuration.get().get('tts', {}).get('pulse_duck'):
            self.pulse_env = _TTS_ENV
            self.pulse_env = None

    def init(self, tts):
        """DEPRECATED! Init the TTS Playback thread.

        TODO: 22.02 Remove this

    def set_bus(self, bus):
        """Provide bus instance to the TTS Playback thread.

            bus (MycroftBusClient): bus client
        self.bus = bus

    def attach_tts(self, tts):
        """Add TTS to be cache checked."""

    def detach_tts(self, tts):
        """Remove TTS from cache check."""

    def clear_queue(self):
        """Remove all pending playbacks."""
        while not self.queue.empty():
        except Exception:

    def run(self):
        """Thread main loop. Get audio and extra data from queue and play.

        The queue messages is a tuple containing
        snd_type: 'mp3' or 'wav' telling the loop what format the data is in
        data: path to temporary audio data
        videmes: list of visemes to display while playing
        listen: if listening should be triggered at the end of the sentence.

        Playback of audio is started and the visemes are sent over the bus
        the loop then wait for the playback process to finish before starting
        checking the next position in queue.

        If the queue is empty the end_audio() is called possibly triggering
        while not self._terminated:
                (snd_type, data,
                 visemes, ident, listen) = self.queue.get(timeout=2)
                if not self._processing_queue:
                    self._processing_queue = True

                stopwatch = Stopwatch()
                with stopwatch:
                    if snd_type == 'wav':
                        self.p = play_wav(data, environment=self.pulse_env)
                    elif snd_type == 'mp3':
                        self.p = play_mp3(data, environment=self.pulse_env)
                    if visemes:
                    if self.p:
                report_timing(ident, 'speech_playback', stopwatch)

                if self.queue.empty():
                    self._processing_queue = False
            except Empty:
            except Exception as e:
                if self._processing_queue:
                    self._processing_queue = False

    def begin_audio(self):
        """Perform befining of speech actions."""
        # Create signals informing start of speech
        if self.bus:
            LOG.warning("Speech started before bus was attached.")

    def end_audio(self, listen):
        """Perform end of speech output actions.

        Will inform the system that speech has ended and trigger the TTS's
        cache checks. Listening will be triggered if requested.

            listen (bool): True if listening event should be emitted
        if self.bus:
            # Send end of speech signals to the system
            if listen:

            # Clear cache for all attached tts objects
            # This is basically the only safe time
            for tts in self.tts:

            # This check will clear the filesystem IPC "signal"
            LOG.warning("Speech started before bus was attached.")

    def show_visemes(self, pairs):
        """Send viseme data to enclosure

            pairs (list): Visime and timing pair

            bool: True if button has been pressed.
        if self.enclosure:
            self.enclosure.mouth_viseme(time(), pairs)

    def clear(self):
        """Clear all pending actions for the TTS playback thread."""

    def blink(self, rate=1.0):
        """Blink mycroft's eyes"""
        if self.enclosure and random.random() < rate:

    def stop(self):
        """Stop thread"""
        self._terminated = True

[docs]class TTS(metaclass=ABCMeta): """TTS abstract class to be implemented by all TTS engines. It aggregates the minimum required parameters and exposes ``execute(sentence)`` and ``validate_ssml(sentence)`` functions. Args: lang (str): config (dict): Configuration for this specific tts engine validator (TTSValidator): Used to verify proper installation phonetic_spelling (bool): Whether to spell certain words phonetically ssml_tags (list): Supported ssml properties. Ex. ['speak', 'prosody'] """ queue = None playback = None def __init__(self, lang, config, validator, audio_ext='wav', phonetic_spelling=True, ssml_tags=None): super(TTS, self).__init__() self.bus = None # initalized in "init" step self.lang = lang or 'en-us' self.config = config self.validator = validator self.phonetic_spelling = phonetic_spelling self.audio_ext = audio_ext self.ssml_tags = ssml_tags or [] self.voice = config.get("voice") self.filename = get_temp_path('tts.wav') self.enclosure = None random.seed() if TTS.queue is None: TTS.queue = Queue() TTS.playback = PlaybackThread(TTS.queue) TTS.playback.start() self.spellings = self.load_spellings() self.tts_name = type(self).__name__ self.cache = TextToSpeechCache( self.config, self.tts_name, self.audio_ext ) self.cache.clear() @property def available_languages(self) -> set: """Return languages supported by this TTS implementation in this state This property should be overridden by the derived class to advertise what languages that engine supports. Returns: set: supported languages """ return set()
[docs] def load_spellings(self): """Load phonetic spellings of words as dictionary.""" path = join('text', self.lang.lower(), 'phonetic_spellings.txt') spellings_file = resolve_resource_file(path) if not spellings_file: return {} try: with open(spellings_file) as f: lines = filter(bool,'\n')) lines = [i.split(':') for i in lines] return {key.strip(): value.strip() for key, value in lines} except ValueError: LOG.exception('Failed to load phonetic spellings.') return {}
[docs] def begin_audio(self): """Helper function for child classes to call in execute().""" # Create signals informing start of speech self.bus.emit(Message("recognizer_loop:audio_output_start"))
[docs] def end_audio(self, listen=False): """Helper function for child classes to call in execute(). Sends the recognizer_loop:audio_output_end message (indicating that speaking is done for the moment) as well as trigger listening if it has been requested. It also checks if cache directory needs cleaning to free up disk space. Args: listen (bool): indication if listening trigger should be sent. """ self.bus.emit(Message("recognizer_loop:audio_output_end")) if listen: self.bus.emit(Message('mycroft.mic.listen')) self.cache.curate() # This check will clear the "signal" check_for_signal("isSpeaking")
[docs] def init(self, bus): """Performs intial setup of TTS object. Args: bus: Mycroft messagebus connection """ self.bus = bus TTS.playback.set_bus(bus) TTS.playback.attach_tts(self) self.enclosure = EnclosureAPI(self.bus) TTS.playback.enclosure = self.enclosure
[docs] def get_tts(self, sentence, wav_file): """Abstract method that a tts implementation needs to implement. Should get data from tts. Args: sentence(str): Sentence to synthesize wav_file(str): output file Returns: tuple: (wav_file, phoneme) """ pass
[docs] def modify_tag(self, tag): """Override to modify each supported ssml tag. Args: tag (str): SSML tag to check and possibly transform. """ return tag
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_ssml(text): """Removes SSML tags from a string. Args: text (str): input string Returns: str: input string stripped from tags. """ return re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', text).replace(' ', ' ')
[docs] def validate_ssml(self, utterance): """Check if engine supports ssml, if not remove all tags. Remove unsupported / invalid tags Args: utterance (str): Sentence to validate Returns: str: validated_sentence """ # if ssml is not supported by TTS engine remove all tags if not self.ssml_tags: return self.remove_ssml(utterance) # find ssml tags in string tags = SSML_TAGS.findall(utterance) for tag in tags: if any(supported in tag for supported in self.ssml_tags): utterance = utterance.replace(tag, self.modify_tag(tag)) else: # remove unsupported tag utterance = utterance.replace(tag, "") # return text with supported ssml tags only return utterance.replace(" ", " ")
[docs] def preprocess_utterance(self, utterance): """Preprocess utterance into list of chunks suitable for the TTS. Perform general chunking and TTS specific chunking. """ # Remove any whitespace present after the period, # if a character (only alpha) ends with a period # ex: A. Lincoln -> A.Lincoln # so that we don't split at the period chunks = default_preprocess_utterance(utterance) result = [] for chunk in chunks: result += self._preprocess_sentence(chunk) return result
def _preprocess_sentence(self, sentence): """Default preprocessing is no preprocessing. This method can be overridden to create chunks suitable to the TTS engine in question. Args: sentence (str): sentence to preprocess Returns: list: list of sentence parts """ return [sentence]
[docs] def execute(self, sentence, ident=None, listen=False): """Convert sentence to speech, preprocessing out unsupported ssml The method caches results if possible using the hash of the sentence. Args: sentence: (str) Sentence to be spoken ident: (str) Id reference to current interaction listen: (bool) True if listen should be triggered at the end of the utterance. """ sentence = self.validate_ssml(sentence) create_signal("isSpeaking") self._execute(sentence, ident, listen)
def _execute(self, sentence, ident, listen): if self.phonetic_spelling: for word in re.findall(r"[\w']+", sentence): if word.lower() in self.spellings: sentence = sentence.replace(word, self.spellings[word.lower()]) # TODO: 22.02 This is no longer needed and can be removed # Just kept for compatibility for now chunks = self._preprocess_sentence(sentence) # Apply the listen flag to the last chunk, set the rest to False chunks = [(chunks[i], listen if i == len(chunks) - 1 else False) for i in range(len(chunks))] for sentence, l in chunks: sentence_hash = hash_sentence(sentence) if sentence_hash in self.cache: audio_file, phoneme_file = self._get_sentence_from_cache( sentence_hash ) if phoneme_file is None: phonemes = None else: phonemes = phoneme_file.load() else: # TODO: this should be changed return the audio data from # the API call and then to call the add_to_cache method # of the TTS cache. But this requires changing the public # API of the get_tts method in each engine. audio_file = self.cache.define_audio_file(sentence_hash) # TODO 21.08: remove mutation of audio_file.path. returned_file, phonemes = self.get_tts( sentence, str(audio_file.path)) # Convert to Path as needed returned_file = Path(returned_file) if returned_file != audio_file.path: warn( DeprecationWarning( f"{self.tts_name} is saving files " "to a different path than requested. If you are " "the maintainer of this plugin, please adhere to " "the file path argument provided. Modified paths " "will be ignored in a future release.")) audio_file.path = returned_file if phonemes: phoneme_file = self.cache.define_phoneme_file( sentence_hash ) else: phoneme_file = None self.cache.cached_sentences[sentence_hash] = ( audio_file, phoneme_file ) viseme = self.viseme(phonemes) if phonemes else None TTS.queue.put( (self.audio_ext, str(audio_file.path), viseme, ident, l) ) def _get_sentence_from_cache(self, sentence_hash): cached_sentence = self.cache.cached_sentences[sentence_hash] audio_file, phoneme_file = cached_sentence"Found {} in TTS cache".format( return audio_file, phoneme_file
[docs] def viseme(self, phonemes): """Create visemes from phonemes. May be implemented to convert TTS phonemes into Mycroft mouth visuals. Args: phonemes (str): String with phoneme data Returns: list: visemes """ return None
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all cached files.""" # TODO: remove in 21.08 LOG.warning("This method is deprecated, use TextToSpeechCache.clear") if not os.path.exists(mycroft.util.get_cache_directory('tts')): return for d in os.listdir(mycroft.util.get_cache_directory("tts")): dir_path = os.path.join(mycroft.util.get_cache_directory("tts"), d) if os.path.isdir(dir_path): for f in os.listdir(dir_path): file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) # If no sub-folders are present, check if it is a file & clear it elif os.path.isfile(dir_path): os.unlink(dir_path)
[docs] def save_phonemes(self, key, phonemes): """Cache phonemes Args: key (str): Hash key for the sentence phonemes (str): phoneme string to save """ # TODO: remove in 21.08 LOG.warning("This method is deprecated, use") cache_dir = mycroft.util.get_cache_directory("tts/" + self.tts_name) pho_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, key + ".pho") try: with open(pho_file, "w") as cachefile: cachefile.write(phonemes) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to write {} to cache".format(pho_file)) pass
[docs] def load_phonemes(self, key): """Load phonemes from cache file. Args: key (str): Key identifying phoneme cache """ # TODO: remove in 21.08 LOG.warning("This method is deprecated, use PhonemeFile.load") pho_file = os.path.join( mycroft.util.get_cache_directory("tts/" + self.tts_name), key + ".pho") if os.path.exists(pho_file): try: with open(pho_file, "r") as cachefile: phonemes = return phonemes except Exception: LOG.debug("Failed to read .PHO from cache") return None
class TTSValidator(metaclass=ABCMeta): """TTS Validator abstract class to be implemented by all TTS engines. It exposes and implements ``validate(tts)`` function as a template to validate the TTS engines. """ def __init__(self, tts): self.tts = tts def validate(self): self.validate_dependencies() self.validate_instance() self.validate_filename() self.validate_lang() self.validate_connection() def validate_dependencies(self): """Determine if all the TTS's external dependencies are satisfied.""" pass def validate_instance(self): clazz = self.get_tts_class() if not isinstance(self.tts, clazz): raise AttributeError('tts must be instance of ' + clazz.__name__) def validate_filename(self): filename = self.tts.filename if not (filename and filename.endswith('.wav')): raise AttributeError('file: %s must be in .wav format!' % filename) dir_path = dirname(filename) if not (exists(dir_path) and isdir(dir_path)): raise AttributeError('filename: %s is not valid!' % filename) @abstractmethod def validate_lang(self): """Ensure the TTS supports current language.""" @abstractmethod def validate_connection(self): """Ensure the TTS can connect to it's backend. This can mean for example being able to launch the correct executable or contact a webserver. """ @abstractmethod def get_tts_class(self): """Return TTS class that this validator is for.""" def load_tts_plugin(module_name): """Wrapper function for loading tts plugin. Args: (str) Mycroft tts module name from config Returns: class: found tts plugin class """ return load_plugin('mycroft.plugin.tts', module_name) class TTSFactory: """Factory class instantiating the configured TTS engine. The factory can select between a range of built-in TTS engines and also from TTS engine plugins. """ from mycroft.tts.festival_tts import Festival from mycroft.tts.espeak_tts import ESpeak from mycroft.tts.fa_tts import FATTS from mycroft.tts.google_tts import GoogleTTS from mycroft.tts.mary_tts import MaryTTS from mycroft.tts.mimic_tts import Mimic from mycroft.tts.spdsay_tts import SpdSay from mycroft.tts.bing_tts import BingTTS from mycroft.tts.ibm_tts import WatsonTTS from mycroft.tts.mimic2_tts import Mimic2 from mycroft.tts.yandex_tts import YandexTTS from mycroft.tts.dummy_tts import DummyTTS from mycroft.tts.polly_tts import PollyTTS from mycroft.tts.mozilla_tts import MozillaTTS CLASSES = { "mimic": Mimic, "mimic2": Mimic2, "google": GoogleTTS, "marytts": MaryTTS, "fatts": FATTS, "festival": Festival, "espeak": ESpeak, "spdsay": SpdSay, "watson": WatsonTTS, "bing": BingTTS, "yandex": YandexTTS, "polly": PollyTTS, "mozilla": MozillaTTS, "dummy": DummyTTS } @staticmethod def create(): """Factory method to create a TTS engine based on configuration. The configuration file ``mycroft.conf`` contains a ``tts`` section with the name of a TTS module to be read by this method. "tts": { "module": <engine_name> } """ config = Configuration.get() lang = config.get("lang", "en-us") tts_module = config.get('tts', {}).get('module', 'mimic') tts_config = config.get('tts', {}).get(tts_module, {}) tts_lang = tts_config.get('lang', lang) try: if tts_module in TTSFactory.CLASSES: clazz = TTSFactory.CLASSES[tts_module] else: clazz = load_tts_plugin(tts_module)'Loaded plugin {}'.format(tts_module)) if clazz is None: raise ValueError('TTS module not found') tts = clazz(tts_lang, tts_config) tts.validator.validate() except Exception: # Fallback to mimic if an error occurs while loading. if tts_module != 'mimic': LOG.exception('The selected TTS backend couldn\'t be loaded. ' 'Falling back to Mimic') clazz = TTSFactory.CLASSES.get('mimic') tts_config = config.get('tts', {}).get('mimic', {}) tts = clazz(tts_lang, tts_config) tts.validator.validate() else: LOG.exception('The TTS could not be loaded.') raise return tts