Source code for mycroft.client.speech.hotword_factory

# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Factory functions for loading hotword engines - both internal and plugins.
from contextlib import suppress
from glob import glob
import os
from os.path import dirname, exists, join, abspath, expanduser, isfile, isdir
import platform
import posixpath
from shutil import rmtree
import struct
import tempfile
from threading import Timer, Thread
from time import time, sleep
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import xdg.BaseDirectory

from petact import install_package
import requests

from mycroft.configuration import Configuration, LocalConf
from mycroft.configuration.locations import OLD_USER_CONFIG
from mycroft.util.log import LOG
from mycroft.util.monotonic_event import MonotonicEvent
from mycroft.util.plugins import load_plugin

RECOGNIZER_DIR = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), "recognizer")
INIT_TIMEOUT = 10  # In seconds

class TriggerReload(Exception):

class NoModelAvailable(Exception):

class PreciseUnavailable(Exception):

def msec_to_sec(msecs):
    """Convert milliseconds to seconds.

        msecs: milliseconds

        int: input converted from milliseconds to seconds
    return msecs / 1000

[docs]class HotWordEngine: """Hotword/Wakeword base class to be implemented by all wake word plugins. Args: key_phrase (str): string representation of the wake word config (dict): Configuration block for the specific wake word lang (str): language code (BCP-47) """ def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"): self.key_phrase = str(key_phrase).lower() if config is None: config = Configuration.get().get("hotwords", {}) config = config.get(self.key_phrase, {}) self.config = config # rough estimate 1 phoneme per 2 chars self.num_phonemes = len(key_phrase) / 2 + 1 phoneme_duration = msec_to_sec(config.get('phoneme_duration', 120)) self.expected_duration = self.num_phonemes * phoneme_duration self.listener_config = Configuration.get().get("listener", {}) self.lang = str(self.config.get("lang", lang)).lower()
[docs] def found_wake_word(self, frame_data): """Check if wake word has been found. Checks if the wake word has been found. Should reset any internal tracking of the wake word state. Args: frame_data (binary data): Deprecated. Audio data for large chunk of audio to be processed. This should not be used to detect audio data instead use update() to incrementaly update audio Returns: bool: True if a wake word was detected, else False """ return False
[docs] def update(self, chunk): """Updates the hotword engine with new audio data. The engine should process the data and update internal trigger state. Args: chunk (bytes): Chunk of audio data to process """
[docs] def stop(self): """Perform any actions needed to shut down the wake word engine. This may include things such as unloading data or shutdown external processess. """
class PocketsphinxHotWord(HotWordEngine): """Wake word engine using PocketSphinx. PocketSphinx is very general purpose but has a somewhat high error rate. The key advantage is to be able to specify the wake word with phonemes. """ def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"): super().__init__(key_phrase, config, lang) # Hotword module imports from pocketsphinx import Decoder # Hotword module params self.phonemes = self.config.get("phonemes", "HH EY . M AY K R AO F T") self.num_phonemes = len(self.phonemes.split()) self.threshold = self.config.get("threshold", 1e-90) self.sample_rate = self.listener_config.get("sample_rate", 1600) dict_name = self.create_dict(self.key_phrase, self.phonemes) config = self.create_config(dict_name, Decoder.default_config()) self.decoder = Decoder(config) def create_dict(self, key_phrase, phonemes): (fd, file_name) = tempfile.mkstemp() words = key_phrase.split() phoneme_groups = phonemes.split('.') with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: for word, phoneme in zip(words, phoneme_groups): f.write(word + ' ' + phoneme + '\n') return file_name def create_config(self, dict_name, config): """If language config doesn't exist then we use default language (english) config as a fallback. """ model_file = join(RECOGNIZER_DIR, 'model', self.lang, 'hmm') if not exists(model_file): LOG.error( 'PocketSphinx model not found at "{}". '.format(model_file) + 'Falling back to en-us model' ) model_file = join(RECOGNIZER_DIR, 'model', 'en-us', 'hmm') config.set_string('-hmm', model_file) config.set_string('-dict', dict_name) config.set_string('-keyphrase', self.key_phrase) config.set_float('-kws_threshold', float(self.threshold)) config.set_float('-samprate', self.sample_rate) config.set_int('-nfft', 2048) config.set_string('-logfn', '/dev/null') return config def transcribe(self, byte_data, metrics=None): start = time() self.decoder.start_utt() self.decoder.process_raw(byte_data, False, False) self.decoder.end_utt() if metrics: metrics.timer("mycroft.stt.local.time_s", time() - start) return self.decoder.hyp() def found_wake_word(self, frame_data): hyp = self.transcribe(frame_data) return hyp and self.key_phrase in hyp.hypstr.lower() class PreciseHotword(HotWordEngine): """Precise is the default wake word engine for Mycroft. Precise is developed by Mycroft AI and produces quite good wake word spotting when trained on a decent dataset. """ def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"): super().__init__(key_phrase, config, lang) from precise_runner import ( PreciseRunner, PreciseEngine, ReadWriteStream ) # We need to save to a writeable location, but the key we need # might be stored in a different, unwriteable, location # Make sure we pick the key we need from wherever it's located, # but save to a writeable location only local_conf = LocalConf( join(xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, 'mycroft', 'mycroft.conf') ) for conf_dir in xdg.BaseDirectory.load_config_paths('mycroft'): conf = LocalConf(join(conf_dir, 'mycroft.conf')) # If the current config contains the precise key use it, # otherwise continue to the next file if conf.get('precise', None) is not None: local_conf['precise'] = conf.get('precise', None) break # If the key is not found yet, it might still exist on the old # (deprecated) location if local_conf.get('precise', None) is None: local_conf = LocalConf(OLD_USER_CONFIG) if not local_conf.get('precise', {}).get('use_precise', True): raise PreciseUnavailable if (local_conf.get('precise', {}).get('dist_url') == ''): del local_conf['precise']['dist_url'] Configuration.updated(None) self.download_complete = True self.show_download_progress = Timer(0, lambda: None) precise_config = Configuration.get()['precise'] precise_exe = self.update_precise(precise_config) local_model = self.config.get('local_model_file') if local_model: self.precise_model = expanduser(local_model) else: self.precise_model = self.install_model( precise_config['model_url'], key_phrase.replace(' ', '-') ).replace('.tar.gz', '.pb') self.has_found = False = ReadWriteStream() def on_activation(): self.has_found = True trigger_level = self.config.get('trigger_level', 3) sensitivity = self.config.get('sensitivity', 0.5) self.runner = PreciseRunner( PreciseEngine(precise_exe, self.precise_model), trigger_level, sensitivity,, on_activation=on_activation, ) self.runner.start() def update_precise(self, precise_config): """Continously try to download precise until successful""" precise_exe = None while not precise_exe: try: precise_exe = self.install_exe(precise_config['dist_url']) except TriggerReload: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error( 'Precise could not be downloaded({})'.format(repr(e))) if exists(self.install_destination): precise_exe = self.install_destination else: # Wait one minute before retrying sleep(60) return precise_exe @property def folder(self): old_path = join(expanduser('~'), '.mycroft', 'precise') if os.path.isdir(old_path): return old_path return xdg.BaseDirectory.save_data_path('mycroft', 'precise') @property def install_destination(self): return join(self.folder, 'precise-engine', 'precise-engine') def install_exe(self, url: str) -> str: url = url.format(arch=platform.machine()) if not url.endswith('.tar.gz'): url = requests.get(url).text.strip() if install_package( url, self.folder, on_download=self.on_download, on_complete=self.on_complete ): raise TriggerReload return self.install_destination def install_model(self, url: str, wake_word: str) -> str: model_url = url.format(wake_word=wake_word) model_file = join(self.folder, posixpath.basename(model_url)) try: install_package( model_url, self.folder, on_download=lambda:'Updated precise model') ) except (HTTPError, ValueError): if isfile(model_file):"Couldn't find remote model. Using local file") else: raise NoModelAvailable('Failed to download model:', model_url) return model_file @staticmethod def _snd_msg(cmd): with suppress(OSError): with open('/dev/ttyAMA0', 'w') as f: print(cmd, file=f) def on_download(self):'Downloading Precise executable...') if isdir(join(self.folder, 'precise-stream')): rmtree(join(self.folder, 'precise-stream')) for old_package in glob(join(self.folder, 'precise-engine_*.tar.gz')): os.remove(old_package) self.download_complete = False self.show_download_progress = Timer( 5, self.during_download, args=[True] ) self.show_download_progress.start() def during_download(self, first_run=False):'Still downloading executable...') if first_run: # TODO: Localize self._snd_msg('mouth.text=Updating listener...') if not self.download_complete: self.show_download_progress = Timer(30, self.during_download) self.show_download_progress.start() def on_complete(self):'Precise download complete!') self.download_complete = True self.show_download_progress.cancel() self._snd_msg('mouth.reset') def update(self, chunk): def found_wake_word(self, frame_data): if self.has_found: self.has_found = False return True return False def stop(self): if self.runner: self.runner.stop() class SnowboyHotWord(HotWordEngine): """Snowboy is a thirdparty wake word engine providing an easy training and testing interface. """ def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"): super().__init__(key_phrase, config, lang) # Hotword module imports from snowboydecoder import HotwordDetector # Hotword module config module = self.config.get("module") if module != "snowboy": LOG.warning(module + " module does not match with Hotword class " "snowboy") # Hotword params models = self.config.get("models", {}) paths = [] for key in models: paths.append(models[key]) sensitivity = self.config.get("sensitivity", 0.5) self.snowboy = HotwordDetector(paths, sensitivity=[sensitivity] * len(paths)) self.lang = str(lang).lower() self.key_phrase = str(key_phrase).lower() def found_wake_word(self, frame_data): wake_word = self.snowboy.detector.RunDetection(frame_data) return wake_word >= 1 class PorcupineHotWord(HotWordEngine): """Hotword engine using picovoice's Porcupine hot word engine. TODO: Remove in 21.02 """ def __init__(self, key_phrase="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us"): super().__init__(key_phrase, config, lang) keyword_file_paths = [expanduser(x.strip()) for x in self.config.get( "keyword_file_path", "hey_mycroft.ppn").split(',')] sensitivities = self.config.get("sensitivities", 0.5) try: from pvporcupine.porcupine import Porcupine from pvporcupine.util import (pv_library_path, pv_model_path) except ImportError as err: raise Exception( "Python bindings for Porcupine not found. " "Please run \"mycroft-pip install pvporcupine\"") from err library_path = pv_library_path('') model_file_path = pv_model_path('') if isinstance(sensitivities, float): sensitivities = [sensitivities] * len(keyword_file_paths) else: sensitivities = [float(x) for x in sensitivities.split(',')] self.audio_buffer = [] self.has_found = False self.num_keywords = len(keyword_file_paths) LOG.warning('The Porcupine wakeword engine shipped with ' 'Mycroft-core is deprecated and will be removed in ' 'mycroft-core 21.02. Use the mycroft-porcupine-plugin ' 'instead.') 'Loading Porcupine using library path {} and keyword paths {}' .format(library_path, keyword_file_paths)) self.porcupine = Porcupine( library_path=library_path, model_path=model_file_path, keyword_paths=keyword_file_paths, sensitivities=sensitivities)'Loaded Porcupine') def update(self, chunk): """Update detection state from a chunk of audio data. Args: chunk (bytes): Audio data to parse """ pcm = struct.unpack_from("h" * (len(chunk)//2), chunk) self.audio_buffer += pcm while True: if len(self.audio_buffer) >= self.porcupine.frame_length: result = self.porcupine.process( self.audio_buffer[0:self.porcupine.frame_length]) # result will be the index of the found keyword or -1 if # nothing has been found. self.has_found |= result >= 0 self.audio_buffer = self.audio_buffer[ self.porcupine.frame_length:] else: return def found_wake_word(self, frame_data): """Check if wakeword has been found. Returns: (bool) True if wakeword was found otherwise False. """ if self.has_found: self.has_found = False return True return False def stop(self): """Stop the hotword engine. Clean up Porcupine library. """ if self.porcupine is not None: self.porcupine.delete() def load_wake_word_plugin(module_name): """Wrapper function for loading wake word plugin. Args: (str) Mycroft wake word module name from config """ return load_plugin('mycroft.plugin.wake_word', module_name) class HotWordFactory: """Factory class instantiating the configured Hotword engine. The factory can select between a range of built-in Hotword engines and also from Hotword engine plugins. """ CLASSES = { "pocketsphinx": PocketsphinxHotWord, "precise": PreciseHotword, "snowboy": SnowboyHotWord, "porcupine": PorcupineHotWord } @staticmethod def load_module(module, hotword, config, lang, loop):'Loading "{}" wake word via {}'.format(hotword, module)) instance = None complete = MonotonicEvent() def initialize(): nonlocal instance, complete try: if module in HotWordFactory.CLASSES: clazz = HotWordFactory.CLASSES[module] else: clazz = load_wake_word_plugin(module)'Loaded the Wake Word plugin {}'.format(module)) instance = clazz(hotword, config, lang=lang) except TriggerReload: complete.set() sleep(0.5) loop.reload() except NoModelAvailable: LOG.warning('Could not found find model for {} on {}.'.format( hotword, module )) instance = None except PreciseUnavailable: LOG.warning('Settings prevent Precise Engine use, ' 'falling back to default.') instance = None except Exception: LOG.exception( 'Could not create hotword. Falling back to default.') instance = None complete.set() Thread(target=initialize, daemon=True).start() if not complete.wait(INIT_TIMEOUT):'{} is taking too long to load'.format(module)) complete.set() return instance @classmethod def create_hotword(cls, hotword="hey mycroft", config=None, lang="en-us", loop=None): if not config: config = Configuration.get()['hotwords'] config = config.get(hotword) or config["hey mycroft"] module = config.get("module", "precise") return cls.load_module(module, hotword, config, lang, loop) or \ cls.load_module('pocketsphinx', hotword, config, lang, loop) or \ cls.CLASSES['pocketsphinx']()